For some the desire to teach emerges early and is nurtured by positive experiences with teachers during the formative years of childhood. For others teaching is seen as a way of making a significant contribution to the world and experiencing the joy and helping others grow and develop. For others life as a teacher is attractive because it is exciting varied and stimulating.

Figure 1.1 – Based on the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Workplace Survey (2001), indicates that the most important factor influencing teachers’ choice of profession is related to the love of helping and working with children.
Love Helping and Working with Children
· The day to day interactions between teachers and students build strong bonds. Daily contact also enables teachers to become familiar with the personal as well as the academic needs of their students and this concern for student’s welfare and growth outweighs the difficulties and frustrations of teaching.
Love of Children
· Teachers want to make a difference in students’ live and have significant rewards when they meet the needs of the children. They appreciate their unique qualities and enjoy their liveliness, curiosity, freshness, openness and idealism.
Desire to help develop and motivate children
· Many choose to teach because they want to serve others; they want the results of their labour to extend beyond themselves and their families.
Love of Teaching
· The most important factor influencing their decision is that they love helping and working with children. Not only do teacher love teaching but they also find it satisfying. They have a love of the subject, a love of the teaching life and a love of the teaching learning process
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