TIME: 50 Min GRADE: 7
STRAND: Measurement
TOPIC: Exploring Three-Dimensional Figures
1. Report on research into real-life applications of area measurements.
- Sketch the different polygonal prisms that share the same volume
- Clay
- Toothpicks
Ask class to name some major buildings that they know of world wide. What shape are they?? What about objects in the room?? What shapes are they??
Go through text book Mathematics 7 page 234-35. Have students copy key definitions polygon and regular polygon into their math notebooks.
1. Distribute triangle dot paper to each student. Have them draw an equilateral triangle and regular hexagon. (What are these?? Polygons)
2. Go over on triangle dots drawn on board/overhead how to draw a Three Dimensional Cube then go over the vocabulary of Three Dimensional Object – faces (a flat or curved surface of an object), edges (where two faces meet) and vertices (point where two or more edges meet).
3. Go back to objects in room/famous buildings they are 3D. Have students write definition of polyhedron. Hand out sheet with common polyhedrons and have students glue it in math notebook.
4. Putting them in groups. Have them create models of the polyhedrons shown. Have groups create 3 each.
After groups have created 3 each to satisfaction of teacher have students complete questions 3-8 on pages 239-40
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