Thursday, March 25, 2010

Grade 6 Science Space Lesson Plan

Space – An Examination and Construction of its Systems
Overall Expectations:
· Investigate characteristics of the systems of which the earth is a part and the relationship between the earth , the sun, and the moon;
· Demonstrate an understanding of components of the systems of which the earth is a part, and explain the phenomena that result from the movement of different bodies in space
Specific Expectations:
Relating Science and Technology to Society and Environment:
· Assess the contributions of Canadians
Developing Investigation and Communication Skills:
· Use a variety of forms to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes
Understanding Basic Concepts:
· Identify components of the solar system, including the sun, the earth, and other planets, natural satellites, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids, and describe their physical characteristics in qualitative terms
Resources: Chart paper, Markers, Large Styrofoam balls, and various other miscellaneous materials used in the construction of solar systems parts
Introductory Activity:
· Have students break out into groups of 4 around tables and brainstorm ideas that come to mind when space is mentioned. Ideas are to be recorded on chart paper either in a written or pictorial format
· Put alphabet on board vertically and have groups come to front of class and fill in ideas discussed in groups
· Hopefully students will have touched on some of the concepts to be covered in class
· Briefly touch on history of Canadian contributions in space

Developmental Strategies:

· Distribute a recording sheet with respective characteristics that are common to the solar system
· Number students 1 to 5 and have students break out into work stations where five parts of the solar system are represented
· At the stations will be handouts with a description of that respective part of the solar system (Ie. habitation, life forms etc.)
· Students are to rotate throughout the stations checking off the characteristics discovered on recording sheets
· Upon full rotation throughout stations, students are to return to their original station at which time they are to look in cupboards of stations and find materials to construct that respective part of solar system
· At this point, based on the descriptions encountered upon initial rotation, students should have a fairly good idea of the characteristics of the solar system part that they are constructing
· Students are encouraged to actively use the knowledge gained to assist them in the construction
· Teacher will ask students to reconvene in one big group and then proceed to go over the characteristics of parts of the solar system discovered through exercise
Concluding Activity:
· Students will be asked to write a summative paragraph for each part of the solar system discussed outlining salient characteristics
Method of Evaluation:
· Participation, effort, and engagement with the exercises will noted and given special consideration
· Recording sheet will be collected and marked for completion
· Paragraphs written for concluding activity will be collected for evaluative purposes
Follow Up Ideas:
· Look further into Humans` need to discover space assigning readings from the text/supplementary as needed for homework

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